The European Union (EU) encourages the Members States to combine education and entrepreneurship. In response, many countries have typically introduced “entrepreneurship” as a core component to middle/secondary school education. Based on the premise that curriculum becomes the vehicle to promoting the creative and entrepreneurial behaviour of its young citizens. However, a gap remains within adult learning communities. 

Taking into account the global Covid-19 health pandemic, professionals have been forced to reconsider alternative careers, evaluate existing skillsets and potentially considered the prospect of becoming self-employed. But where does one start when considering a small business set-up? If you have not been previously exposed to entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and competencies? 

“Invention and entrepreneurship are 

at the heart of national advantage” 

(Porter, 1990)

Avanza Academy has developed an educational pathway to providing adults with an opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills through learning about the subject and by recognising the global need to develop smart and sustainable business opportunities. 

Avanza Academy presents the (MQF Level 4) Award in Business Management, a 12-month course providing adult students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to work within corporate industries, in addition to, developing their business setup. 

At Avanza Academy, we recognise that entrepreneurship means different things to different people and is typically culturally dependent. For example, Eastern European countries emphasise the educational spirit and role of entrepreneurs within society, when compared to Western European countries focus on the human and financial resources of the business environment. Therefore, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of cultural influences and individual interpretations of being entrepreneurial. 

By choosing to study with Avanza Academy, students will be provided with not only the practical skills needed to support an entrepreneurial repertoire, innovative projects, and business start-ups but also will become aware of the growing demand of the labour market. To complement their studies, students are additionally required to complete work-based learning placements, where they can potentially seek new business and networking opportunities. 

Avanza Academy provides the bridge between learning about entrepreneurship and the existing dynamic entrepreneurial business environment.