What are the benefits of an internationally recognised qualification?
Whilst most of us are living in privileged times where qualifications, certificates and diplomas are accessible to most, do we fully understand their value? More importantly, are they becoming a taken for granted achievement?
“Learning is never cumulative, it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end”
– Bruce Lee
The answer is simply no. In response to the globalisation of economies and labour markets, international qualifications grants graduate mobility (EU, 2012). Implying that whilst the trend of multinational companies continues to progress and grow, so will the demand for international qualifications. Especially those vocational qualifications that incorporate work-based learning components. At Avanza Academy, we recognise the value in making the skills and competencies of our students visible, which is reflected during their related work experience.
Across contemporary industries, graduates are required to demonstrate flexibility and mobility. We all need to have the freedom to move with industries and that frequently means across more than one country. The importance of mobility is two-fold, not only for the individual seeking employment opportunities but also for the employer. Employers in all parts of global economies need to be able to judge the skills and competencies of their potential employees. Recognised as a growing trend as multinational companies continue to set a benchmark for required job skills and competencies.
Avanza Academy presents its portfolio of internationally recognised and accredited suite of Awards and Diplomas within three disciplinary divisions; Education, Sports and Entrepreneurship. A portfolio of courses all designed to fit in and around the life of mature inter/national student.
Avanza has focused on building its portfolio of courses to reflect the grit and determination of its students. Many of the courses on offer require students to apply their life, academic and literacy skills to complete the requirements of the course. The skills that employers seek.
An Avanza graduate leaves the academy safe in the knowledge that they are equipped with the necessary competence to work with confidence across inter/national industries.
By choosing to study with Avanza Academy, students will be provided with not only the practical skills needed to support a professional repertoire, furthermore will become aware of the growing demand for international qualifications.
This is why students choose to advance their career with Avanza Academy #AchievingExcellenceTogether