
Undergraduate Diploma in Early Years Centre Management

This programme prepares students to work within the Early Childhood Education and Care, ECEC, 0-3 years sector, in addition to meeting the minimum MQF Level 5 in ECEC, including pedagogy, leadership and management as stipulated in the national standards.




October, 2025


12 Months


Face to face/Blended




This course thus prepares students for early years administrative, managerial and leadership roles, therefore, enabling students to secure employment within different areas of the ECEC provision such as;

  • Early Years Legally Responsible Person (LRP)
  • Early Years Centre Manager (CM)
  • Early Years Centre Administration Coordinator


Students are provided with the knowledge (facts, theoretical perspectives and existing research) for each module topic, via synchronous learning. Within each module, students are shown how to apply their knowledge to forms of best ECEC practice. Students are encouraged to take an active role and responsibility of their own learning by taking part in supporting study-skills sessions (provided by the Academy) and practical group activities. Furthermore, throughout the course, students are signposted to inter/national ECEC resources, such as local seminars/workshops provided by the Early Childhood Development Association Malta [ECDAM] and online complimentary CPDs that may be of interest to them.


Students are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills gained from applying their acquired knowledge to ECEC practice in the form of classroom activities and practice placements. Students will become capable and competent in exercising the skills outlined in each module.


Through practising skills, learners will develop a required level of competency as stipulated in each module. The classroom context and practical ECEC placements are the areas in which students demonstrate competencies. Levels of autonomy, responsibility and supervision are carefully monitored in view of the individual needs of each student, respectively.

Total Contact hours 300
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 250
Self Study hours 750
Assessment hours 200

Target audience

This course targets those individuals already working within the Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC) sector looking to further their existing ECEC knowledge, skills & competencies. Furthermore, it also targets those aspiring for managerial/leadership positions within the ECEC field, specifically 0-3 years of service. Lastly, it also targets those who would like to start working within the education sector.

Head Office

Oftec Business Centre,
1-2, Notabile Road
Birkirkara, BKR1876

More info
Malta/EU Fee


Flexi-payment terms available.


Receive up to 70% refund with the Get Qualified Scheme.

Ready to take the next step in your career?

Enrol in the Undergraduate Diploma in Early Years Centre Management today and get your career moving in the right direction!

Course Modules

Quality Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) – 5 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Guide and inform team members/parents about the high-quality ECEC programme.
  2. Promote a high-quality ECEC programme that prioritises the child’s learning experience.
  3. Represent a high-quality ECEC programme in a professional manner.
  4. Collaborate with external quality assurance inspectors in a proactive manner.
  5. Collaborate with all stakeholders to foster trustworthy professional relationships between staff, children/families/external agencies as part of providing a high-quality ECEC service.
Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Presentation (90%)

Observation & Participation (10% of module mark)

Early Years Pedagogy; Communication – 5ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Comply with the NCF/LOF and the provision’s language/literacy policies.
  2. Promote the benefits of bilingualism in ECEC.
  3. Organise an effective ECEC language/literacy programme for children attending provision.
  4. Guide team members/parents about ECEC language/literacy programme.
  5. Develop a collective approach that welcomes multiculturalism and bilingualism.
  6. Develop a Key-caregiver approach.
  7. Guide team members/parents of the Key-caregiver approach.
Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Case Study Assignment (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Early Years Pedagogy; Development and Well-Being – 5 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. The critical period of infant/child development and learning.
  2. Planning and developing an enriched learning environment.
  3. The roles and responsibilities of high-quality ECEC.
  4. Describing methods of working in partnership with parents/families.
Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Case Study Assignment (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Early Years Pedagogy;  Creativity, Awe and Wonder – 5 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Carry out tasks related to working alongside staff members in practice to create creative learning spaces.
  2. Guide in developing an ECEC programme that scaffolds early years’ practitioner-child communication, individualised learning, meaningful experience and individual interests.
  3. Organise an effective ECEC programme that considers the use of play-based materials/activities using sustainable resources.
  4. Advise a collective approach to support the practitioner-child= (Key-caregiver relationship)
  5. Monitor the outcomes of the creative learning environment.
Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Case Study Assignment (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Early Childhood Education Care (ECEC) Leadership and Management – 5 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Carry out tasks related to managing and leading the ECEC team.
  2. Represent the ECEC in a professional manner.
  3. Guide and inform parents/staff in view of ECEC changes.
  4. Authorise roles and responsibilities to all team members.
  5. Manage or assist in conflict.
Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Written Assignment (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

National Standards, Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Inclusive Education – 5 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Comply with the national health and safety, child protection, safeguarding and inclusive policies and frameworks;
  2. Comply with the ECEC centre policies/procedures;
  3. Create ECEC policies and procedures manual;
  4. Advise in the development of all health and safety, child protection, safeguarding and inclusive policies and procedures;
  5. Collaborate with all stakeholders and disseminate the centres’ policies/procedures to team members, parents, families;
  6. Deal with issues related to the development and dissemination of ECEC centre policies/procedures;
  7. Negotiate different ways to implement changes to;
  • ECEC centre health & safety management;
  • ECEC centre safeguarding & child protection protocols;
  • ECEC centre inclusive practice.
  1. Create a collective culture that supports the physical and psychological well-being of all staff, children and families within the ECEC service;
  2. Propose different ways to develop a secure data management system.


Total Contact hours 25
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 19
Self Study hours 63
Assessment hours 18
Assessment Criteria

Examination (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Early Years Team; Recruitment, Training and Development – 4 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Manage and assist in the HR department within an ECEC context;
  2. Guide and inform employees of the roles/responsibilities expectations;
  3. Advise members of staff on the benefits of employees taking active participation in developing a community of practice;
  4. Carry out tasks related to supporting and guiding different pedagogical styles across team members;
  5. Guide and inform all members of staff during day-to-day activities, events and challenges;
  6. Advise members of staff on the benefits of all CPD opportunities (internal/external resources);
  7. Be responsible for a comprehensive continuous training package for all team members.
Total Contact hours 20
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 15
Self Study hours 50
Assessment hours 15
Assessment Criteria

Individual Assignment (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Early Years Team; Recruitment, Training and Development – 4 ECTS – 20 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Carry out tasks related to developing an appeals and complaints policy/procedure within the ECEC context;
  2. Manage or assist in receiving a concern/complaint professionally;
  3. Deal with concerns/complaints in an effective compassionate manner;
  4. Create a network with externals agents (multidisciplinary team);
  5. Create an open-door-policy for all stakeholders;
  6. Guide and inform staff/ parents of policies and procedures; and
  7. Guide and inform stakeholders of any changes to the organisation’s policies and procedures.
Total Contact hours 20
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 15
Self Study hours 50
Assessment hours 15
Assessment Criteria

Group Role Play (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Organisation Policies and Procedures – 4 ECTS – 20 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Be responsible for the ECEC provision philosophy & service ethos;
  2. Ensure all stakeholders are familiar with the centre’s policies and procedures;
  3. Represent the Rights of the Child within ECEC;
  4. Create effective professional working relationships between members of staff and parents;
  5. Advise all stakeholders to take an active approach towards engaging with policies and procedures;
  6. Carry out tasks related to promoting the ECEC centre’s ethos, mission statement, pedagogical philosophy and aim of service within the community; and
  7. Comply with ongoing changes to national ECEC policy and standards.
Total Contact hours 20
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 15
Self Study hours 50
Assessment hours 15
Assessment Criteria

Examination (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Organisation Administration and Finance – 4 ECTS – 20 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Comply with confidentiality and data management protocols;
  2. Carry out tasks related to the day-to-day administrative operations of the organisation;
  3. Be responsible for an overview of the expense, donations, fee, FCS of provision;
  4. Manage HR expenditure (payroll, training);
  5. Be responsible for the regulations and policies regarding financial management;
  6. Manage a confidential data management system;
  7. Represent parents who require ECEC access and FCS application.
Total Contact hours 20
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 15
Self Study hours 50
Assessment hours 15
Assessment Criteria

Business Plan Report (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Professional Reflective Practice – 4 ECTS – 20 face-to-face learning hours

  1. Carry out tasks related to professional reflective practice;
  2. Be responsible for team members taking an active approach in reflective and evaluative discussions;
  3. Create effective ways to encourage team members to attend external/internal CPD opportunities;
  4. Create different models of reflective practice throughout leadership/managerial ECEC role;
  5. Represent effective communication and active listening skills.
Total Contact hours 20
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 15
Self Study hours 50
Assessment hours 15
Assessment Criteria

Individual Reflective Essay (90%) and Observation and Participation (10%)

Practical Placement – 10 ECTS – 25 face-to-face learning hours

Students receive hands-on experience related to the competencies outlined in all of the other modules making this programme.

Total Contact hours 50
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 200
Self Study hours 0
Assessment hours 0
Assessment Criteria

Placement (50%) and Work-based Placement Portfolio (50%)

Entry Criteria

Required to be a minimum of 21+ years of age, with a minimum of 1 year prior ECEC working experience as an early years educator within an ECEC registered service.

To be eligible to follow the course, individuals should be in possession of either of the following:

Award in Early Years Development, Education & Care (MQF Level 4, 60 ECTS) awarded by Avanza Academy or comparable qualifications;


Matriculation Certification and Secondary Education Certificate holding Maths, English and Maltese at Grade 5 or better or comparable qualifications;


Mature Students** as per Avanza Academy’s Internal Quality Assurance document. Individuals applying under the clause of mature students may be asked to sit for an interview or aptitude test prior to admission to the course.

To complete the Placement Module at a registered ECEC provision, all students need to be in possession of:

  • Current Police Conduct Report;
  • Food Handling Certification;
  • Paediatric First Aid;
  • Self-Declaration Form (LN 206/2016);
  • Satisfy specific immunisation requirements.

Mode of Assessment

Each module will be assessed based on a mixture of formative and summative assessment methods. Formative: Individual/Group Presentations, Discussions, Classroom/Placement Observations. All formative assessment methods will occur during each module and tutors will provide students with on- going feedback throughout the course. Summative: End of Module Exam (where applicable) Module Essay, End of Course Practical Assessment. All summative assessment methods will occur at the end of each module and will evaluate the student’s learning.

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