
Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management

This Higher National Diploma has been specifically designed to equip students with theoretical knowledge, understanding and applicable skills for a successful employment trajectory within the Hospitality/Tourism sector. The overarching aim of the programme is to demonstrate students’ competence in applying learnt skills, knowledge and professional development relating to the industry.




June, 2025


24 Months


Face to face/Blended




The programme provides the required experiences to link theory to practice, developing skills and competencies as well as personal qualities and attitudes which are essential for a managerial position within the Hospitality/Tourism sector. During the course, students will be encouraged to engage in critical and reflective discussions related to this industry.


Learners will be exposed to the theoretical and practical features of Hospitality/Tourism, guiding principles of management, organisation operations, Human Resources (HR), marketing and finance. Issues related to sustainability, people management, customer relations and service are also areas that are covered during the course. The aim is to ensure students are exposed to demonstrative ways of implementing, maintaining and sustaining high-quality service within the industry.


Learners will develop an awareness and understanding of the external and internal factors that affect effective management of an organisation, and comprehend the importance and role of HR, to ensure a sustainable operation is maintained within the industry.


Learners will be able to exercise self-management within the context of Hospitality/Tourism and implement specific strategies that are conducive to the needs of the organisation. In doing so, the student will be competent and fully aware of the importance of managing change, trends within the industry and collaborating effectively with various departments and stakeholders.

Target Audience & Occupation

This Higher National Diploma is suitable for individuals who wish to work, or who are currently working within the Tourism/Hospitality industry specifically in management. On completion of this programme, successful learners can apply for employment within the management sector.  Candidates who successfully complete this course can pursue the following occupations:

Total Contact hours 600
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 1800
Assessment hours 600
Head Office

Oftec Business Centre,
1-2, Notabile Road
Birkirkara, BKR1876

More info
Malta/EU Fee


Flexi-payment terms available.

Fee per academic year for Non‑EU/Non‑EAA applicants: €7,000.


Receive up to 70% refund with the Get Qualified Scheme.

Ready to take the next step in your career?

Enrol in the Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management today and get your career moving in the right direction!

Course Modules

Principles of Hospitality Management – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (Structure, nature and strategies);
  2. History of the Hospitality Industry (19th Century/20th Century);
  3. The Hospitality Industry in the 21st Century;
  4. Trends in the Hospitality Sector;
  5. Hospitality Careers and Positions;
  6. The inclusion of technology in hospitality;
  7. How the tourist/guest has changed;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual assignment (100%)

Managing Hospitality Organisations – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. Different types of Hospitality Service Providers;
  2. Different roles within Hospitality management;
  3. Management Structures in Hospitality;
  4. Issues Impacting Effective Management in Hospitality;
  5. Change Management;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 6
Self Study hours 194
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual assignment based on real-life case studies (100%)

Principles of Marketing – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. The importance of Marketing in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry;
  2. Customer Needs and Demands;
  3. Marketing Mix;
  4. The use of Strategic Marketing Plans;
  5. The role of Marketing in Strategic Planning;
  6. Consumer Buying Behaviour;
  7. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning;
  8. Pricing Products;
  9. Distribution Channels;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through the creation of a short marketing proposal (as a group assignment) (100%)

Information Technology in Hospitality – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. Introduction to Information Technology (Definition, why it is used, Developments);
  2. Use of Information Technology in Organisations;
  3. History and Use of Information Technology in Hospitality (Productivity, Costs, Services);
  4. Different types of software used in Hospitality;
  5. Role of IT in Decision Making;
  6. IT and the future of hospitality;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual examination (50%) and ongoing practical assessment (50%)

Finance Management in Hospitality – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. The role of Finance in the Hospitality industry;
  2. Financial Reporting;
  3. Understanding and Analysing Financial statements;
  4. Managing cash and cost;
  5. Products and services;
  6. Investment opportunities;
  7. Feasibility studies;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through an individual examination (100%)

Human Resource Management in Hospitality – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry;
  2. The legal aspect of Human Resources Management;
  3. Human Resource Management Policies and Procedures;
  4. Recruitment and Selection;
  5. Training and Planning;
  6. Performance Management;
  7. Trends and Issues in Human Resource Management;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through a group presentation (50%) and an individual examination at the end of the module (50%)

Change Management in Hospitality – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. History of the Hospitality Industry;
  2. External and Internal factors shaping the industry;
  3. Old and Emerging Markets;
  4. Role of innovation in the Hospitality Industry;
  5. Issues and Challenges in Human Resource Management in the hospitality industry;
  6. Challenges arising due to Media;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through an individual presentation and an individual report based on the presentation at the end of the module (100%).

Events Management – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. What is ‘Event Planning’?
  2. Different types of events in the hospitality and tourism industry;
  3. The role of the Event Planner;
  4. Basics of Events Planning;
  5. Benefits of Successful Events;
  6. Challenges of Planning Events;
  7. The Event Planning Process;
  8. Budgeting in Event Management;
  9. Crisis Management in Event Management;
  10. Health & Safety Requirements in Event Planning;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 0
Self Study hours 200
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through a group presentation with the proposal of an event and a report (100%).

Hotel Operations Management – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. What is ‘Operations Management’?
  2. History of Operations Management in Hotels;
  3. Different types of Operations in the tourism and hospitality industry;
  4. Room Department (Reservations, Front Office, Housekeeping);
  5. F&B Department (F&B Service Operations, Restaurants, Room Service, Conferencing, Bars);
  6. HR Operations (Training, Motivation, Recruitment, Salaries, Performance Management);
  7. Marketing Operations (Trends in Hospitality, Digital Marketing, Service);
  8. Accounts Operations (Finance, Management Reports, Budgeting)
  9. Safety and Security Operations;
  10. Maintenance Operations;
  11. Managing Hospitality Services;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 50
Self Study hours 150
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through the use of an individual presentation and an individual assignment based on the presentation (100%)

Sustainability in Hospitality – EQF/MQF Level 5 – 12 ECTS

  1. What is Sustainable Development?
  2. Sustainable Development in Hospitality;
  3. The importance of Energy Efficiency;
  4. Waste Management & Water Conservation in Hotels;
  5. Sustainable F&B Management;
  6. Sustainable Financing in Hospitality;
Total Contact hours 60
Supervised Placement and Practice hours 50
Self Study hours 150
Assessment hours 40
Assessment Criteria

This module shall be assessed through an individual assignment (100%).

All modules are mandatory to qualify for this complete 120 ECTS MQF Level 5 Diploma. 

Students who fail to pass/complete all mandatory units will be given exit Awards from Avanza Training Academy, detailing the specific modules achieved and the number of ECTS/ECVETs gained. 

Entry Criteria

As part of the enrolment process, all applicants will be assessed via Avanza’s interview board. All entries will be assessed on an individual basis.  Learners are required to be 18+ years of age, possess either;

  • Matriculation Certificate (2 Subjects at Advanced Level & 3 at Intermediate Level + Systems of Knowledge) or equivalent;


  • MQF Level 4 Course in Management (60 ECTS) or equivalent;


  • In possession of a minimum MQF Level 3 and a minimum of 7 years working experience in Tourism/Hospitality.;    


  • Students should also have good command of the English Language and in possession of IELT 6.0 or equivalent.

Mode of Assessment

Each module will be assessed based on a mixture of formative and summative assessments methods; Formative; Individual/Group Presentations, Discussions, Classroom Observations. All formative assessment methods will occur during each module and Tutors will provide students with on-going feedback throughout the course. Summative; End of Module Exam, Module Essay, Case Study Assessment (where applicable). All summative assessment methods will occur at the end of each module and will evaluate the student learning.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe in detail various tools and strategies for change management;
  2. Interact with various stakeholders related to the hospitality organisation;
  3. Discuss with other employees and superiors the effectiveness of various strategies undertaken in the organisation;
  4. Undertake further studies in Hospitality Management, possibly pursuing an MQF Level 6 degree

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