
Reconnectiong the Professional Self.. The course provides the required experiences to link theory to practice, developing skills and competencies as well as personal qualities and attitudes which are essential for any Educator/Teacher/Carer or Mentor. During the course, candidates will be encouraged to engage in pedagogical critical and reflective discussions, whilst complimentary activities will help them to acquire the required reflective skills.

This course has been specifically designed to equip professionals with the theoretical knowledge, understanding and the applicable skills for a successful employment journey by; • Developing a clear understanding and concept of social environmental stress within the work place; • Exploring the different strategies to handle and deal with challenging and/or threatening situations within a learning/school environment; • Develop a clear understanding of approaching work/personal related stress through a Biopsychosocial lens(conceptualizing how each component relates to each other); • Develop a clear understanding of own professional self-awareness and self-regulation; • Develop the skills to be mindful of own emotional regulating processes; • Explore various tools needed for professional self-reflection; and • To understand the application of professional self-care strategies within individuals professional place of work.

Malta/EU Fee


Flexi-payment terms available.



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Malta Further and Higher Education Authority

The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) was officially launched on the 8th of January 2021 and is legislated by the revised Education Act which came into force on the 1st of January 2021. Our tagline is ‘Quality Education for Confident Futures.’

Our mission statement is:

“to foster the development and achievement of excellence in further and higher education in Malta through research, effective licensing, accreditation, quality assurance, and recognition of qualifications established under the Malta Qualifications Framework.”

The MFHEA focuses on:

  • providing accreditation to further and higher educational institutions;
  • providing accreditation to programmes or courses of studies at further and higher education levels;
  • quality assurance of both educational institutions and programmes or courses;
  • recognition of obtained national or international qualifications as well as prospective qualifications;
  • validation of informal and non-formal learning;
  • research and policy recommendations on issues related to further and higher education.

The MFHEA is an independent, transparent, and international authority. We work to ensure the highest standards and to foster a competent community of empowered individuals, with the right skills to follow their dreams and make the future happen.

Accredited by

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1 Week


September, 2024




Delivered in English



Candidates are required to be 18+ years of age and to have successfuly completed a minimum of a related MQF Level 4 Award/Certification in a related field. For example Health & Social Care/Early Years Development, Education & Care/ Mentoring & Counselling/ Youth Studies/ Inclusive Education/ Sports or Performing Arts. or Mature Candidates (+23 years at the start of the course applied for), subject to proficiency and/or aptitude tests as directed by the Academy. AVANZA also reserves the right to hold a course application interview prior to acceptance.

In order to qualify for this course, candidates will be expected to have shown both observed skills and theorectical comprehension by; • Contributing towards professional group discussion, group activities within lectures and workshop environments; • Contribute and participate in group work during the planning and exhecution of group presentation task; • Demonstrate theoretical comprehension through their individual Refective Essay;


Avanza Training Academy

Head Office

Oftec Business Centre,
1-2, Notabile Road
Birkirkara, BKR1876

Ready to get your career moving in the right direction?

Give our team of dedicated professionals a call on +356 2149 3483 or click the button below to take the first step.

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