
The course is based on the constructivist learning principle, which allows for active and interactive participation, as a result of which participants will be able to integrate new knowledge, understanding and skills into their existing repertoire.

Today’s educators are on a compelling quest to find ways to hold higher expectations for pupils, improve teaching and learning pedagogies, and increase pupil learning and achievement outcomes. Much is being made known of the value of professional learning communities (PLCs) in education. The notion of the ‘learning organisation’ or the ‘learning community’ has become a buzzword in a number of countries. Various documents and publications go a long way to support the argument that the way in which an organisation learns is a key index to its effectiveness and potential to innovation and growth. This course will lead the learners to,

  1. Develop a clearer understanding behind motivation in work practices.
  2. Develop a repertoire of ways of nurturing and empowering teachers to work collectively and collaboratively.
  3. Explore the various components necessary to turn schools into communities of learning.
  4. Address specific questions, namely: how to clarify and communicate the purpose, vision and values of our College/school? How to initiate, implement and sustain a change process? How to shape the organisational culture and provide structures that support the culture we seek? How to create collaborative processes that result in both individual and organisational learning? How to foster an environment that is results oriented yet encourages experimentation?
  5. Have the opportunity of exchanging information, ideas, experiences and networking during the seminar.

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Malta Further and Higher Education Authority

The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) was officially launched on the 8th of January 2021 and is legislated by the revised Education Act which came into force on the 1st of January 2021. Our tagline is ‘Quality Education for Confident Futures.’

Our mission statement is:

“to foster the development and achievement of excellence in further and higher education in Malta through research, effective licensing, accreditation, quality assurance, and recognition of qualifications established under the Malta Qualifications Framework.”

The MFHEA focuses on:

  • providing accreditation to further and higher educational institutions;
  • providing accreditation to programmes or courses of studies at further and higher education levels;
  • quality assurance of both educational institutions and programmes or courses;
  • recognition of obtained national or international qualifications as well as prospective qualifications;
  • validation of informal and non-formal learning;
  • research and policy recommendations on issues related to further and higher education.

The MFHEA is an independent, transparent, and international authority. We work to ensure the highest standards and to foster a competent community of empowered individuals, with the right skills to follow their dreams and make the future happen.

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1 Week


September, 2024




Delivered in English


  1. Review the characteristics of a PLC
  2. Discuss through collective inquiry those aspects/dimensions needed to nurture the learning community
  3. Talk about a short case study on one particular characteristic of a PLC
  4. Illustrate and discuss ways of developing a strategic plan for continuous professional development
  5. Evaluate one’s own school climate
  6. Be able to undertake reviews of school aspects related to the PLC.
  7. Learn about how other countries implement the characteristics of PLC
  8. Undertake further studies in the area to enhance one’s personal and collective understanding

Ideally someone who is currently working in a school, either as a class/subject teachers, as a school leader (Head of School, Assistant Head, Head of Department) or aspiring for school leadership positions.

The course participants will be asked to prepare a short presentation that will be presented on the basis of the work read and carried out before they come for the course.


Avanza Training Academy

Head Office

Oftec Business Centre,
1-2, Notabile Road
Birkirkara, BKR1876

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