Strategy, leadership and teamwork
In my opinion, the triplets, as I am calling them, are fundamental. In general, when we hear these three words our thoughts go immediately to business issues. When entrepreneurs plan their business objectives their ultimate goal is to be unique and different from competition. Winning in the business world is an objective, whether winning market […]
The Importance of Football Development
After every success there is unseen work. We often criticise because we do not know the work that is being done or because otherwise a result does not come immediately. I am one of those who does not sit back so much to address a disagreement but in this circumstance, I have nothing but praise […]
What does it mean to be an adult student?
Returning to education is not an easy decision for anyone, however, a necessity for most. Since the 1970s the notion of lifelong learning remains steadfast within our professional lives. Gaining momentum during the 1990s, higher and further education became accessible to mature students (+21 years) wishing to re-engage with education across a variety of professional […]
Advance your professional career with Avanza
We believe life itself is already your teacher, we simply provide you with space, the necessary tools to advance your knowledge and to invest in your future. Founded in 2019 Avanza Academy is a centre of excellence. With an unwavering commitment to inspire, support and care for all students and members of staff, our mission […]
Sharpening a shared vision of children
World Children’s Day – 20th November 2020 Misconceptions of children and childhood have prevailed since the 17th-18th Enlightenment period. From a puritan view of the child to assuming infants enter the world as blank slates, a passive, inherently innocent and somewhat virtuous positioning saturated an outdated social construct of childhood. Whilst clouding societies vision, the […]
Women returning to education; A journey of transformation and self-discovery
This is the sign you have been waiting for… Women returning to education; A journey of transformation and self-discovery… Have you ever considered returning to education? But unsure if a full-time college or university experience is right for you? Have you considered opting for a course that is designed to fit around your existing responsibilities […]
Starting Strong
The very first piece of the Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC) career puzzle… According to the European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2019), one-third of children under the age of 3 years attend an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) setting. That is, 5 million young children across 38 European countries are currently spending most of their day […]